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Who Commissioned The Domesday Book


Who Commissioned The Domesday Book -

Who Commissioned The Domesday Book 8ca7aef5cf [Compiled at amazing speed for an age without computers or rapid means of communication, and where most of the population could neither read nor write, the returns were then summarized and re-shapedDetail from Domesday Book, list forming part of first page of king's holdingsOpen Domesday Interactive map, listing details of each manor or holdings of each tenant, plus high-resolution images of the original manuscriptSearchable index of landholders in 1066 and 1087, Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England (PASE) projectHIC ANNOTANTUR TENENTES TERRAS IN DEVENESCIRE ("Here are noted (those) holding lands in Devonshire")It also enabled William the Conqueror the ability to ensure that all landholders and tenants swore allegiance to him - a major requirement of feudalism or the Feudal System It was first referred to as the Domesday book in the 1300's Why was the Domesday survey given this name? The English gave it this title as a clear Biblical reference to the last Day of Judgement as there was no appeal against the survey, it became the law of the land Interesting Information about the History of the Domesday BookInteresting information and important facts about the history of the Domesday BookDomesday Disappearances The Lost Locations105: 284309However, the information collected from the whole survey was retained and still exists today in 2 volumes: 'Great Domesday' - most of the counties, abridged, and 'Little Domesday' - the 3 counties missing from Great Domesday, in their unabridged form 1999-2017 415-892-3181 Website Design & Development by Gore Creative .Great Domesday was mostly written by a single scribe, with the hand of a second clerk appearing, checking his work and adding some notes and further entries15052According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, William travelled there on 1 August 1086, and "his councillors came to him, and all the people occupying land who were of any account over all England, no matter whose vassals they might be; and they all submitted to him and became his vassals, and swore oaths of allegiance to him." This astonishing event was almost certainly the climax to the Domesday surveyThe traditional view is that all major landowners had to send in lists of their manors and tenants, which were compared to existing tax recordsThere is also a clue in the questions asked by the commissioners - the question regarding if any more can be extracted from each manor comes last, not first, so was not top of any agenda(1988)because its decisions, like those of the Last Judgement, are unalterableIn the 20th century, they were rebound in 1952, when their physical makeup was examined in greater detail; and yet again in 1986 for the survey's ninth centenaryLondon: Edward Arnold


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